Thank you to everyone who sent donations for Toys for Tots! Our Student Council delivered the toys today. If you watch the news tonight, you may see some familiar faces!

Picture retakes are tomorrow - Tuesday, November 30th.

Every year, first grade students read the book Turkey Trouble, which is a story about a turkey who tries many different disguises to keep himself safe through Thanksgiving. Students are then tasked with disguising their own turkey and writing clues about their turkey. Once the clues are read, students have to try to guess which one of their classmates created that turkey. We had some very creative turkeys this year - a Christmas tree, a dragon, a mermaid, Santa Claus and a gumball machine to name a few.

After learning of Maquoketa CSD's decision to extend their winter break we wanted to make sure our families knew that we remain committed to honoring our current calendar, as previously scheduled. We are very thankful for the partnership we have with all of our students' parents and wish you all a happy Thanksgiving.

Picture retakes are on Tuesday, November 30th. If your student is having retakes done, please send their original pictures with them on the day of retakes.

Jess Wagner from the Hurstville Interpretive Center visited again this week. She brought some items that allowed our kindergarten class to do some hands-on learning about turkeys.

Delwood Student Council members are looking to collect toys to donate to the Toys for Tots program. Toys can be donated now through Thursday, December 2nd.
Collection boxes are in the school office. Donations can be sent to school with students or dropped off during school hours in the office. We are looking for new, unwrapped toys for boys and girls of all ages. Any gift, big or small, is welcome! Please consider helping to make a child’s holiday season bright!

Our students definitely know who to go to when they need something fixed. Rick saved the day by repairing a tractor in one of our preschool classrooms!

We are thankful this Veterans Day for all those who have served our country. Thank you to all who attended our assembly today.

First grade students had a blast practicing their throwing skills in a strategic game of Battleship in PE.

Pumpkins aren't just for carving or eating! Our preschool students used pumpkins to help build their fine motor skills.

Our second grade class was able to spend time with the preschoolers exploring the Iowa PBS STEAM items. It's always fun to watch our students from different grade levels interact!

Our preschool had the chance to enjoy the Iowa PBS STEAM trailer recently. It was filled with so many fun things to do!

First grade students loving having someone read to them. Here they are enjoying story time with Ms. Jenn!

We may have a future engineer on our hands. After building her boat, which even included a propeller, this preschooler was nice enough to let her friends try it out!

Third grade students worked on building skate parks in science. Before they could build their skate park, they first had to learn about forces and motions. They experimented to learn the effects of a curved path versus an open floor.

As part of a STEM lesson, Mrs. Helmle's first grade class built pumpkin catapults. After planning and building, they were able to test out their catapults.

Picture Day is Tuesday, November 2nd!
All students will be photographed on this day. Paper order forms were sent home earlier this week. Orders can also be placed online.

Every year Mrs. Kieffer's third grade class writes a book. They have been organizing paragraphs, typing, editing and practicing how to draw the illustrations they want to include.

Deputy Lange from the Clinton County Sheriff's Office visited our school this week to discuss Halloween safety with our students.